Tips of Buying Shoes

When choosing shoes , the main criteria are taken usually aesthetics , color and price. It seems paradoxical that the choice of buying influence over our eyes our feet .
However it should be noted a few tips :

  • The volume of the foot varies with exercise. It is preferable to buy a pair of shoes after a day of activity.
  • Must try on shoes standing and not sitting , because, when standing , and hold the weight of the body , the foot flattens and lengthens.
  • Shoes should be of the right size . Very little hinder the blood circulation , and compressing muscles resulting in corns and calluses . If large -chaffing and blisters.

Remember the old phrase "You have to give some other " suggests that it is the foot that has to adapt to the shoes, when it should be the opposite.

The ideal shoe should meet a number of features such as:

  • The forefoot should not be very narrow tip .
  • The counter should hold , but not pressing .
  • The heel should not be too high ( no more than 4 cm. ) .
  • The material should not be too rigid nor too flexible. Should be breathable but strong .
  • Use proper shoe according to the activity undertaken